To inspire a new reality based on autonomy, compassion, and co-creation.


We all dream of a better world. The key to making a real change? Start by changing ourselves.

Every big global problem – like climate change, poverty, and conflicts – stems from choices, both personal and collective. We impact the world, and it impacts us back.

The path to a better world starts with how we live and help others. It's all about creating positive ripples – change from within, spreading outward.

When you change yourself, you change your world around you.

Unlock your higher self with these simple steps: Embrace a broader view of life, ask yourself key questions, answer from the heart. Shed old patterns, adopt positive emotions, mindset, and actions. It's all about becoming your best self!

Socreates exists to help you along this path.

Unleash your true self! Life's challenges may have pushed it down, but remember, life is your ally, always guiding and nurturing. Now, it's time to be your own biggest supporter!

Download on: App Store & Google Play Store


Discover a daily adventure with the Socreates App

Answer 6-9 questions, unlock cool insight videos, and enjoy a Flow.

Keep your thoughts in the journal, rewatch videos anytime, and get inspired with daily quotes.

Download on: App Store & Google Play Store