socreates privacy policy
Privacy Policy
All user information is kept private.
Socreates Users own their own data. At any point, a user can delete their data by going within the app to Settings -> Delete My Account.
Socreates respects and is committed to maintaining your privacy. The data entered by any user is kept confidential.
The data we process is limited to:
Email Address
Phone Number (optional)
User Profile Image or Avatar (optional)
Date Account Created
Amount of time spent in the App
Number of Sessions user had in App
User last Login
Date and time that an Insight Video was watched
Date and time that a voice note is recorded
Date and time that a Heartfulness Flow was watched
Date and time that a Sacred Geometry Pulse was watched
Date and time that a 33 Second Tune-Up was watched
Socreates uses 1) the name 2) email address 3) date created and 4) user last log-in in order to provide optimal customer support when troubleshooting issues.
Socreates uses the data in aggregate for all users on 1) number of sessions in the app 2) amount of time spent in the app in order to analyze user behavior in aggregate.
Socreates does not store user written and or selected answers such as journal entries or voice notes such (e.g. Ego Thickle’s VentBox, HeartBox recordings); all user generated content is stored only on the user’s phone.
Image uploads: Socreates offers users the option to have an optional profile photo by either choosing from our list of profile avatars or upload a profile photo from their photo album on their phone. Having a profile photo is completely optional for each and every user.
Socreates has an optional field to enter a mobile phone number for users who prefer receiving notifications via sms instead of email, such as customer support responses, version updates, inspirational quotes and other app announcements. Phone numbers are not used for any kind of spamming, advertisement nor cold calls and are never sold or given to third party vendors.
Public Info Section: Socreates offers its users the choice of a private profile only visible to the user or a public profile where user may use a photo, avatar or any image user may feel suitable for. User name is chosen by the users and can also be set a public or private by the user’s choice. Location, users have a choice to set manually their location if they wish. Socreates does not fetch or track users’ location. Gender, users can enter it manually if they wish. Age is also entered manually if users choose to do so. All public information entered by users are recorded only within the app and not shared.
Socreates does store the date and time that a user unlocks a particular insight video so that user can receive a summary of the insights unlocked and reminder to put those insights into practice. Socreates does store the date and time that a user makes a recording in the VentBox & HeartBox, so the user can receive a notification when the voice note is scheduled to be deleted. However, the actual voice notes and written notes in the Ventbox and Heartbox are not accessible to anyone aside from the user who recorded them.
The creators and developers have no visibility into any input or selected answers users choose.
Users own their own data and can delete the data at any point by going to the “Settings” menu within the app and clicking “Delete My Account”.
For users who are subscribed to a Family Plan, no member of the family plan can access the data of any other user including other users on a family plan.
Socreates Liability Disclaimer:
By using the website, mobile app, products and/or services of Socreates, the user releases Socreates Inc (including its board, officers, employees and other users) jointly and severally from any and all actions, causes of actions, claims and demands for, upon or by reason of any damage, loss or injury, which hereafter may be sustained, perceived, hinted or indicated by participating, subscribing, using or trying out our products and services.
Socreates, Inc does not provide liability insurance for protection of users who visit and/or use its website, mobile app, products and/or services.
Please note that users who have a history of mental illness or brain disorder such as epilepsy should consult their doctor before using Socreates. Socreates uses audio frequencies and visual effects which could affect users with mental illness or brain disorders. Socreates Inc, is not liable if they choose to proceed at their own risk.
Socreates, Inc.